Use SVDetect
Use SVDetect
Program descriptions
>> SVDetect <command(s)> -conf <configuration_file> [-help] [-man]
* linking
Main program for mapping all anomalous mapped paired-end reads onto a fragmented reference
genome. First, the reference genome is partitioned into small genomic overlapped regions
(typically twice the maximum distance insert size between ends). Each pair is then
assigned to at least one possible pair of two chromosomal regions. Two genomic regions
connected by the mapped ends of pairs is considered as a link.
Redundant links are filtered out and the precise coordinates of the remaining unique links
are determined. After a appropriate sorting procedure, the program proceeds to the union of
close overlapped links.
* filtering
Removes out links on different threshold values of filtering parameters. Filtered links are
considered as significant paired-end mapping clusters and used to call structural variants (SVs).
Filters are mainly based on the number of pairs in each link, the consistency of the strand orientation
between pairs, the order of reads and the distance insert size between intra-chromosomal ends.
Outputs results with all the paired-end features and SV annotations.
* links2circos
Outputs paired-end clusters to the circos link format.
* links2bed
Outputs paired-end clusters to the bed format adapted to intra- and inter chromosomal
paired ends view.
* links2SV
Outputs paired-end clusters to an end-user tabulated-text format with SV features.
* links2compare
Compares filtered links between two or more mate-pair datasets and returns common
or dataset-specific links. Optional integrated format conversion.
* cnv
Program for copy-number-variants analysis. Calculates average depth-of-coverage along a
window-sized genome from mate-pair data and compare differences between two datasets
(i.e sample vs reference) by generating ratio values.
* ratio2circos
ratio conversion to the circos density format.
* ratio2bedgraph
ratio conversion to the bedGraph density format.
Data files
SVDetect requires two input data files: the mapped paired-end reads -mate_file- and the
chromosomes size data of the reference genome used for the alignment.
SVDetect expects anomalously paired-end reads for paired-end mapping clusters analysis or
normal paired-ends for depth-of-coverage analysis.
Paired-end reads submitted to SVDetect should be either in the ELAND format for Illumina reads
or in the output format of the ABI Corona's pairing pipeline/Bioscope for SOLiD reads
(F3_R3.mates.unique, see ABI documentation).
The Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) is accepted as input format of mapped paired-ends.
Compressed SAM files, i.e BAM files, are also accepted as input files (SAMtools required).
Important: for clustering analysis, the mate_file must contain anomalously mapped paired-ends only.
Correct mapped pairs (same chromosome, correct strand orientation and good range of insert size, etc.) have to be filtered out with a preprocessing step, either through a program provided by the aligner or by using an alignment file analysis software (SAMtools for example, for SAM files). For SOLiD pairs, correct mapped pairs can easily be filtered out by using the category code ("AAA"= good pairs). Otherwise, a perl script for preprocessing pairs is also provided in the SVDetect package "" (SAM/BAM file format only).
The chromosome length file -cmap_file- is a single tab-delimited text file where each line represents a single
chromosome entry. The columns are: chromosome ID (sequential integer starting from 1), chromosome
name (the same as indicated in the mate_file), and the chromosome length in bases.
Configuration file
SVDetect execution process is driven by a central configuration file. It allows the user to define
the different mandatory or optional input/algorithm/output parameters required for each selected command.
The configuration file is organized in blocks where settings are defined as "variable=value".
Description of the configuration parameters is showed in the following section.
Usage parameters and outputs
(m=mandatory, o=optional)
0- General parameter settings
Before using any program in SVDetect, you need to set up the general parameters related to your input
data in the corresponding <general> block of your configuration file:
-- input_format(m)
input mate file format
-text, value= eland, solid or sam/bam
-- sv_type(o):
type of the structural variations to detect. This parameter is used to analyse and output distinct files for intra-/inter-chromosomals SVs
-text, value= intra (for intra-chromosomal SVs only), inter (for inter-chromosomal SVs only), all (no distinction, = default)
-- mates_orientation(m)
expected normal strand orientation of the paired-end/mate-paired reads
(left letter=first read, right letter=second read, F=forward strand, R=reverse strand)
"RF" for Illumina mate-pairs
"RR" for SOLiD mate-pairs (F3: first read, R3: second read)
"FR" for Illumina/SOLiD paired-ends
-text, value= FF, RR, FR or RF
-- read1_length(m)
length of the first read in a pair (left read), in base pairs (bp)
-integer, ex: 50
-- read2_length(m)
length of the second read in a pair (right read), in base pairs (bp)
-integer, ex: 50
-- mates_file(m)
full path to the abnormal mate-pair input data file
-text, ex: /align/bowtie/sample_ab_mates.sam
-- cmap_file(m)
full path to the chromosome length file
-text, ex: /align/bowtie/hs18.len
-- output_dir(o)
output directory location
-text, ex: ./results (current directory by default)
-- tmp_dir(o)
output temporary location
-text, ex: ./tmp (current directory by default)
-- num_threads(o)
number of threads for parallel computing
-integer, ex: 8 (1 thread only by default)
1- Generation of chromosomal links
>> SVDetect linking -conf <configuration_file>
a- Usage parameters in the <detection> block:
-- split_mate_file (m)
Flag to split the original mate file per chromosome for parallel computing
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip - already done)
-- window_size(m)
Size of the sliding-window used for partioning the genome in bp. This parameter determines the range size of the predicted clusters. To detect large SVs, a value of 2σ from the mean has to be set ("µ+2σ” for a confidence interval of ~95%). To identify balanced translocations, a window size equal to at least “2µ+2√2σ” should be set
-integer, ex: 5000
-- step_length(m)
length of the sliding-window step in bp, set this parameter to get overlapped windows. Generally equal to 1/2 or 1/4 of the window size
-integer, ex: 1000
b- Output:
The linking procedure creates a tabulated-text file listing all chromosomal links. The
output file name has the following syntax : "<mates_file>.links".
If the general parameter sv_type is set to inter or intra, then the output file only list intra-
or inter chromosomal links and has the following syntax "<mate_file>.intra.links" or
"<mate_file>.inter.links", respectively.
Each line corresponds to one chromosomal link and the format is as follows:
1. Chromosome name of the first group of paired-end reads (=chromosome1)
2. Chromosome1 start coordinate of the link
3. Chromosome1 end coordinate of the link
4. Chromosome name of the second group of paired-end reads (=chromosome2)
5. Chromosome2 start coordinate of the link
6. Chromosome2 end coordinate of the link
7. Number of mate-pairs in the chromosome link
8. Name list of the mate-pairs
9. Strand orientation list of the first group of paired-end reads
10.Strand orientation list of the second group of paired-end reads
11. Rank position of the read compared to its mate in the first group of paired-ends
(1 or 2, correspond to F3 or R3 for SOLiD data)
12. Rank position of the read compared to its mate in the second group of paired-ends
13. Read order of the first group of paired-ends
14. Read order of the second group of paired-ends according to the first group order
15. Sequencing start coordinates of the first group of paired-end reads
16. Sequencing start coordinates of the second group of paired-end reads
Note1: the ID of the chromosome1 is always inferior to the ID of the chromosome2 as it
is provided in the chromosome length file. For intra-chromosomal links, start coordinates
define the order of chromosome1 and chromosome2.
Note2: All positions are 1-based coordinates
Note3: Starts coordinates (15. and 16. columns) correspond to the first base of sequencing.
If the strand orientation of the read is forward, the start coordinate corresponds to the leftmost position.
If the strand orientation of the read is reverse, the start coordinate corresponds to the rightmost position.
2- Filtering of chromosomal links and SV calling
>> SVDetect filtering -conf <configuration_file>
a- Usage parameters in the <filtering> block:
-- split_link_file (m)
Flag to split the original link file per chromosome for parallel computing
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip - already done)
-- nb_pairs_threshold(m)
minimum number of pairs in a cluster
-integer, ex: 3
-- strand_filtering(m)
flag to run the strand orientation filtering. Only pairs sharing the same mate orientation in the link are kept for further analysis. If no main group of pairs can be found (ex: 50% of ”FF”, 50% of ”RF”), the link is split in two new links.A ratio of 0.6 (60%/40%) as a fixed threshold is used to see a link split. Otherwise, pairs not belonging to the main group are discarded.
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip)
-- chromosomes(o)
list of chromosome names to keep or exclude
-text, ex: -chr1
Note: the chromosomes filtering parameter uses a special syntax to filter links according
the concerned chromosomes. Some examples are listed here to illustrate the different chromosome
filtering configurations:
ex1: chromosomes=-chr1,-chr2,-chrX
-> all links whose paired-end reads are mapped to the chromosome 1, 2, or X are filtered out
ex2: chromosomes=chr10, chr13
-> all links whose paired-end reads are not mapped to the chromosome 10 or 13 are filtered out
ex3: chromosomes= chr3_1, chr13_2
-> only links whose the first group of paired-end reads are mapped to the chromosome 3 and the
second group of paired-end reads are mapped to the chromosome 13, are not filtered out
-- order_filtering(o)
flag to run the order filtering
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip)
-- nb_pairs_order_threshold(o)
minimal number of pairs in a subgroup of paired-end reads for balanced events (order_filtering only). Also used to detect balanced rearrangements
-integer, ex: 2 (default=1)
-- insert_size_filtering(o)
flag to run the filtering on the separation distance between paired-end reads for intra-chromosomal links only
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip)
-- indel_sigma_threshold(o)
minimal number of sigma fold for the insert size filtering and to call insertions and deletions.
A deletion will be found if the mean insert size of the cluster > µ+threshold*σ.
An insertion will be found if the mean insert size of the cluster < µ-threshold*σ.
-real, ex: 3 (default=2)
-- dup_sigma_threshold(o)
minimal number of sigma fold for the insert size filtering to call tandem duplications.
A large duplication will be found if the mean insert size of the cluster > µ+threshold*σ. A small/inverted duplication will be found if the mean insert size of the cluster < µ-threshold*σ.
-real, ex: 3 (default=2)
-- singleton_sigma_threshold(o)
minimal number of sigma fold for the insert size filtering to call singletons (For Illumina mate-pairs only).
A singleton will be found if at least the mean insert size of the cluster < µ-threshold*σ.
-real, ex: 3 (default=4)
-- final_score_threshold(o)
Minimal final filtering score for calling SVs. A value of 1 means all the pairs in a cluster were consistent between each other after applying filters
-real, ex: 1 (default=0.8)
-- mu_length(o)
mean insert size value (µ) of normally mapped mate-pairs, in bp
this parameter becomes mandatory for order or insert size filtering
-real, ex: 3000
-- sigma_length(o)
calculated sd value (σ) from the distribution of normally mapped mate-pairs, in bp.
this parameter becomes mandatory for order or insert size filtering
-real, ex: 250
Note: the mu_length and sigma_length parameters can be determined by running the script "" for SAM/BAM files, or with the cnv program (if the corresponding values are unknown).
b- Output
The filtering procedure generates one file: the chromosomal link file after filtering processing
named "<mates_file>.links.filtered".
Each line of the filtered link file corresponds to one chromosomal link and the format is as follows:
1-16. Fields with the same format of the linking procedure output
If order_filtering=1, the fields 8-16 are surrounded by "()" to highlight potential subgroups of
reads. Pairs with features followed by :
"$" indicates pairs in a read (sub)group involved in an inconsistent orientation
"*" indicates pairs in a read (sub)group with an inconsistent order
"@" indicates pairs in a read (sub)group with an inconsistent insert size
17. Strand orientation feature of pairs after strand filtering running. If order_size_filtering=1 and/or insert_size_filtering=1,this field is replaced by the predicted type of intra-/intra-chromosomal SV
NORMAL_SENSE: Correct ends orientation using <mates_orientation> as reference
REVERSE_SENSE: One of the ends has an incorrect orientation
DELETION: Deletion (NORMAL_SENSE & mean insert size > µ+threshold*σ)
INSERTION: Insertion (NORMAL_SENSE & mean insert size < µ-threshold*σ)
INV_FRAGMT: Inversion of a genomic fragment, defined by balanced signatures (BAL)
INS_FRAGMT: Insertion of a genomic fragment, defined by balanced signatures (BAL)
LARGE_DUPLI: Large duplication
(mates orientation=FR/RF & reversed mate sense & mean insert size > µ+threshold*σ & UNBAL) or
(mates_orientation=FF/RR & ends order=normal/inverted & mean insert size > µ+threshold*σ & UNBAL)
DUPLICATION: Duplication, medium size
(mates_orientation=FR/RF & reversed mates orientation & mean insert size < µ-threshold*σ &)
SMALL_DUPLI: Small duplication (mean insert size < µ-threshold*σ & overlap between subgroups)
INV_DUPLI: Inverted duplication (REVERSE_SENSE & mean insert size < µ-threshold*σ & UNBAL)
TRANSLOC: Translocation
INV_TRANSLOC: Inverted translocation
COAMPLICON: Co-amplicons, two different fragments repeated in the same strand sense (BAL)
ex: A>B>, A>B>A>B>
INV_COAMPLICON: Inverted co-amplicons, two different fragments repeated in the opposite strand sense (BAL)
ex: A>B<, A>B<A>B<
SINGLETON: Singleton (mean insert size < µ-threshold*σ), for Illumina mate-pairs only
UNDEFINED: Undefined inter/intra-chromosomal SV type
18. Mean separation distance if insert_size_filtering=1.
19. Number of pairs after strand filtering / previous number of pairs
20. Balanced or unbalanced feature for order filtering
BAL: predicted balanced rearrangement
UNBAL: predicted unbalanced rearrangement
21. Number of pairs after order filtering / previous number of pairs
22. Number of pairs after insert size filtering / previous number of pairs
23. Subgroup coordinates of chromosome 1 if order_filtering=1
if UNBAL: predicted start and end coordinates of the concerned region for chromosome1
if BAL: start and end breakpoint coordinates for chromosome1
The field is surrounded by "()" to highlight potential subgroups of reads
24. As 23. but for chromosome2
25. Score based on ratios from 18., 21. and 22. (best score=1)
26. Initial number of pairs (before applying filters)
Note: the distance calculation is based on the sequencing start coordinates of ends in pair.
3- Output format conversion
>> SVDetect links2circos -conf <configuration_file>
This program converts the link list of the "<mates_file>.links.filtered" to the circos link format in order
to graphically visualize SVs with this drawing software.
The output file name is "<mates_file>.links.filtered.segdup.txt"
Usage parameters must be set in the <circos> block:
-- organism_id(m)
symbol name of the organism (see the name in the karyotype file used for circos)
-text, ex: hs (for Homo-sapiens)
-- colorcode(m)
A color-code has to be associated to the number of pairs involved in links, parameters need to be set in the <colorcode> subblock and the format is as follows: color=minimum number,maximum number of pairs
-text, ex: green= 5,10
In the circos output file, each pair of two successive lines corresponds to one chromosomal link and
the format is as follows: link id, organism id followed by the chromosome name, chromosome start, chromosome end,
color associated to the number of pairs involved in the link.
>> SVDetect links2bed -conf <configuration_file>
This program converts the link list of the "<mates_file>.links.filtered" to the UCSC bed link format in order
to graphically visualize the annotated genomic location of paired-ends reads involved in predicted SVs.
The output file name is "<mates_file>.links.filtered.bed.txt"
Usage parameters must be set in the <bed> block:
-- colorcode(m)
A color-code has to be associated to the number of pairs involved in links, parameters need to be set in the <colorcode> subblock and the format is as follows: R,G,B=minimum number,maximum number of pairs
-text, ex: 0,255,0= 5,10
In the bed output file, each line corresponds to one mate-pair for intra-chromosomal links or one paire-end read for
inter-chromosomal links. The bed format is as follows:
1. Chromosome name pre-fixed with "chr"
2. Chromosome start coordinate (0-based)
3. Chromosome end coordinate
4. pair/read name (for reads /1 or /2 is added to distinguish the two ends)
5. score field set to 0
6. strand orientation (+ or -)
7. as 2.
8. as 3.
9. color associated to the number of pairs involved in the link. If the pair/read is involved in more than one link,
the associated color is set to the link having the highest number of pairs
10. =1 for pairs, = 2 for reads
11. read length(s)
12. relative start coordinates of reads (=0 for pairs)
>> SVDetect links2SV -conf <configuration_file>
This program converts the link list of the "<mates_file>.links.filtered" to show significant SVs through a
tabulated-text format. The output file name is "<mates_file>"
Each line corresponds to one chromosomal SV and the format is as follows:
1. Type of chromosomal rearrangement
INTRA: intra-chromosomal SV
INTER: inter-chromosomal SV
2. Predicted type of SV. See description in 2.b
3. Coordinates of chromosome1, format: chromosome:start-end
4. The mean separation distance is provided here if links have been filtered according to the insert size
5. Balanced or unbalanced feature. See description in 2.b
6. Coordinates of chromosome2, format: chromosome:start-end
7. Number of pairs after filtering
8. % of the remaining pairs after strand filtering
9. % of the remaining pairs after order filtering
10. % of the remaining pairs after insert size filtering
11. score based on 8., 9. and 10. (best score=1)
12. Coordinates of the estimated breakpoint region in chromosome1
13.Coordinates of the estimated breakpoint region in chromosome2
4- Link comparison between sample datasets
>> SVDetect links2compare -conf <configuration_file>
This program is designed to compare filtered links between two or more anomalously mapped mate-pair datasets
and to identify common and sample-specific chromosomal links (like the usual sample/reference design).
Overlaps between link coordinates are used to filter the set of potential SVs.
Usage parameters must be set in the <compare> block:
-- list_samples(m)
name list of samples to compare (= list of file name prefixes, without any special characters like "_")
-text, ex: sample, reference
-- list_read_lengths(m)
list of read lengths of samples (in the same order of list_samples, read1_length-read2_length)
-text, ex: 50-50, 35-35
-- file_suffix(m)
link file name suffixes, need to be the same for all samples
-text, ex: _mates.links.filtered
-- min_overlap(o)
minimum overlap of links required as a fraction
-real, ex: 0.05 (default=1E-9 i.e. 1bp)
-- same_sv_type(o)
only links sharing the same SV type are compared
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip)
-- circos_output(o)
creation of the circos converted link file after comparing links
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip)
-- bed_output(o)
creation of the bed converted link file after comparing links
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip)
-- sv_output(o)
creation of the SV converted file after comparing links
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip)
links2compare creates the needed output files related to the link comparisons results. Sample-specific links
are reported into the "<sample1><file_suffix>.compared" file whereas the common links into the
"<sample1>.<sample2><file_suffix>.compared" for the concerned links. If the conversion options are selected,
the respective converted link files are generated with the same file name syntax shown in 3-.
In the common link files, the name of the sample is added as last field to distinguish the belonging of links.
1- Calculation of depth-of-coverage log-ratios
>> SVDetect cnv -conf <configuration_file>
a- Usage parameters in the <detection> block:
-- split_mate_file (m)
Flag to split the original mate file per chromosome for parallel computing
-boolean, value= 1 (run), 0 (skip - already done)
-- window_size(m)
size of the sliding-window used for partioning the genome in bp
-integer, ex: 30000
-- step_length(m)
length of the sliding-window step in bp, set this parameter to get overlapped windows
-integer, ex: 10000
-- mates_file_ref(m)
full path to the normal mate-pair input data file of the reference
-text, ex: /align/bowtie/reference_norm_mates.sam
b- Output:
The cnv procedure creates a tabulated-text file listing coverage data of regions sized by the <window_size>
parameter. The output file name has the following syntax : "<mates_file>.density"
Each line corresponds to one chromosomal region and the format is as follows:
1. Chromosome name
2. Chromosome start coordinate
3. Chromosome end coordinate
4. Average depth-of-coverage from the sample mate-pair data
5. Average depth-of-coverage from the reference mate-pair data
6. Log-ratio of 4. and 5. values*
Note: During the cnv processing, calculated mu and sigma values are displayed to the standard output and
can be used as parameter values for the filtering procedure.
2. Output format conversion
>> SVDetect ratio2circos -conf <configuration_file>
This program converts the "<mates_file>.density" data to the circos density format in order
to graphically visualize copy-number profiles with this drawing software.
The output file name is "<mates_file>.density.segdup.txt"
Usage parameters must be set in the <circos> block:
-- organism_id(m)
symbol name of the organism (see the name in the karyotype file used for circos)
-text, ex: hs (for homo-sapiens)
The circos output format is as follows: organism id followed by the chromosome name, chromosome start, chromosome end, log-ratio of depth-of-coverage data.
>> SVDetect links2bed -conf <configuration_file>
This program converts the "<mates_file>.density" to the UCSC bedgraph format in order to graphically visualize
the copy-number profiles.
The output file name is "<mates_file>.density.bedgraph.txt
The bedgraph output format is as follows: chromosome Name pre-fixed with "chr", chromosome start (0-based),
chromosome end, log-ratio of depth-of-coverage data.
Development language: PERL
Compiled for: LINUX 64 bit OS
This package has only been tested on this platform.
Date: December 6, 2011